Protect Our Children
Remove all sexually explicit and adult content from kindergartens, schools, libraries and any publicly owned establishments. While this issue was first witnessed in elementary schools in the United States of America, this has now become a major issue within Australia.
Section 210 of the Criminal Code 1899 states that it is an indictable offence to wilfully expose minors to indecent material, punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
The current curriculum which has devolved into providing graphic details of specific sexual acts (such as those found in books like "Welcome To Sex", now available in primary schools and Junior sections in State libraries), along with drag queens seeking audiences with children being permitted into primary schools and kindergartens where they are able to influence young minds with adult concepts, is an obvious and concerning deviation from traditional understanding of sex education and must be stopped immediately.
Traditional sexual education which details male and female reproductive organs and the process of falling in love and sexual intimacy, is a valid educational curriculum, pending parental approval.