No Forced Medical Treatments
No forced medical treatments to partake in general life, without the individual’s free and fully informed consent.
Where there is risk involved, the decision MUST remain with the parents.
We will never persuade anyone to or not to take a medication or treatment, but we will always encourage people to educate themselves and ask questions. This is a decision for the individual/family to make, not the government.
During the COVID years, we saw what happened when the government was allowed to force people to take a vaccine they didn’t want. The majority of Australians did not want to take the vaccine, but were told without it, they would not be allowed to work, drink at the pub, eat at restaurants or cafes, attend the theatres, watch sporting events or go on holidays, not even interstate. Businesses were forced to shut, the economy crumbled and masses of People all over the country pushed back in massive numbers. Australia spoke and they spoke loudly. The mandates were dropped.
No man or woman should be barred from working, attending school, purchasing food, playing sports, travelling, engaging in recreational activities or partaking in any other general life activities, for refusing a medical treatment or a set of medical procedures, especially when there is risk involved.
This policy aims to legislate substantial penalties against any individual or entity, that forces, coerces, blackmails or bribes an individual into undergoing a medical treatment for any reason. The penalties will also be levied against any person or entity who provides medical treatment without their patient's free and fully informed consent.
Such a legislation will require medical personnels to fully and completely disclose all and any side effects attributed to any given treatment being proposed to a patient, and only administer the treatment only when the patient has understood and accepted all the risks of the treatment.
We also aim to immediately disband current legislation such as No Jab No Play and No Jab No Pay. These are disgusting systems of blackmail introduced and upheld by both the Labor and Liberal governments.